Fiber Sticks It To Modern ISPs


Google Fiber. A revolutionary idea to give the United States the best internet speed available. Fiber is nearly 10 times faster than any other ISP can provide today. What takes hours to download on Verizon can take seconds with Fiber.

Marissa Reinhart and John Marquez

     At the moment there is only three choice for internet service in the Chino area; Verizon, Time Warner Cable, and Exede 2X. All three have packages that are in the same price range and service speed, making choosing a provider based solely on what name you want. Why would these providers not try to compete with each other by improving service or lowering prices? There is no need to, they have all agreed to keep prices the same and to keep the performance the same in order to eliminate any competition. Without the competition, theses companies can slowly raise their prices all together and not have to improve their services at all. Unless something changes soon we will be stuck paying for service that has no intention at improving and focused only on making profit.  

     “Google Fiber starts with a connection that’s up to 1,000 megabits per second. Super fast downloads. TV like no other. And endless possibilities,” is stated on Google Fiber’s website. Google Fiber has been praised for not only proposing high quality internet and television service, but delivering what they promise. Google Fiber allows communities the chance to pay for better quality internet packages at better prices, and install the network in what they call “Fiberhoods”, creating a friendly competition between neighborhoods to be the first to have Fiber installed. I wish that other ISPs would follow their lead and actually offer honorable deals and bring a positive name to internet service. Today, there are too many companies around the world that have the resources to bring good products to consumers, but they just don’t. Why? I feel that it is because they are too selfish in their business practice. Google Fiber is finally taking the jump to being the first to create a good name for internet in the United States and just be an honest company with good morals, as Google has always been known for. If Google Fiber spreads throughout the rest of the nation as they intend for it to, then maybe the United States can have one of the best internet speeds in the world.

     At the moment, Google has stated that they are only installing Fiber connections in cities with willing city officials and with little to no obstacles. The closest city to Chino that may be getting Fiber is Irvine, which is thirty miles away. This is one of the first steps in introducing Google fiber into our region, and it should be supported. One major roadblock that Google is facing is that most cities have contracts that do not allow new internet providers from setting up their wires on the same poles that current internet providers have. However, they could do underground connections, but this process requires a lot of permits and is very expensive. Current ISPs have made it extremely difficult for Google to come in and install their network. In order to catch Google’s attention, we must show that there are consumers here that are tired of low quality internet and have the willingness to challenge the giants that Verizon and Time Warner Cable have become.