Yearbook Charges for Senior Quotes


Luis Vazquez

Due to prior incidents, seniors that want a senior quote in the yearbook will now have to pay two dollars for it. “Its just two dollars, i really dont mind,” claims Jordana Ramirez. Tomorrow will be the last day yearbook accepts money for senior quotes.

Luis Vazquez, News Reporter

As seniors start preparing for graduation, yearbook has decided to start charging seniors two dollars for senior quotes. They have been traditionally free over the past years but this year is different, Mr. Lin has now changed that rule. Due to some seniors last year submitting inappropriate quotes, Mr. Lin has offered only the seniors that truly want one to pay two dollars to add an appropriate quote to their senior photo.

“I got this idea from a different school, I feel bad for this year’s students for having to pay but it must be done,” states the yearbook teacher. Yearbook also had a problem distributing them to every senior classroom and receiving them back as well. Now with the new rule that has taken place, only one trustworthy student is allowed to put in the senior quotes.

“I hate that everything the previous class did, it reflects on us like it is our fault! Why should we have to get punished for it?,” expressed a disappointed Isabel Vargas. All the money that yearbook makes will go through as a yearbook fundraiser for the school. Seniors will now have to go to the yearbook room for the forms and will have days to pay if they want a quote in the yearbook.