Finals Arrive Early


Luis Vazquez

Finals will now take place before Christmas break. “I’m glad the district decided to change it up a bit for finals this year,” expresses Ariana Ibarra. Christmas break will now be a stress free period for students to enjoy.

Luis Vazquez, News Reporter

The semester for 2016 is ending differently this year as students start preparing for finals. While students proceed, teachers also start to finish this semester early as they wrap up everything. This upcoming year, finals will be held on 12/14 and 12/15.

Even with ending the school year early, students are forced to adapt to change for finals week. “There’s pros and cons to it. Pro, we get to leave school early and not worry about anything during the break. Con, it’s been a really hectic week with teachers cramming everything together and having to take our finals early,” claims Kashifa Coundry. This is the first year all the schools in the district will finish first semester before Christmas break.

The break will now allow students to relax and enjoy their break instead of having to stress about big projects or homework over the break. “Now with the semester ending early, it feels weird taking finals before Christmas break but also it’s sweet how we get enjoy our break,” claims Bridget Alcatra. Students will also appreciate having minimum day on finals as they leave early to kickoff their Christmas break.