International Opportunities On the Rise for Don Lugo Students

Aryana Watson and Blake Kemble

Don Lugo Principal, Dr. Cabrera, flew to China in late April to explore the idea of sending Lugo students on a cultural exchange in the coming years.

“I was there for two weeks. I spent a week in Beijing, 3 and a half days, in Hong Jo, and three and a half days in Shanghai,” explained Cabrera. During her two week trip, Cabrera visited many schools, both private and public.

Within the coming year, students may have the opportunity to go to China for a cultural exchange. “There are some trips that would be very short term, about one to two weeks, similar to the way we do it over here, and then there are some trips that could last a whole year” says Cabrera. Don Lugo staff and Chino Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) will be taking steps to better prepare students that are able to participate by providing after school classes to help strengthen their Chinese if they choose to.

“There are opportunities where students could have a host family when they go to China and all they have to do is cover the airfare.” This process is similar to the one that Chinese boarding schools do, and there are schools that Cabrera has talked to about exchanging students with. Cabrera mentions, “I would be comfortable sending my own kids there for a cultural immersion.”

This opportunity is costly, but there would be ways to help pay for the expenses. “Students and their families could be host families for visiting exchange students and it would bring in a pretty hefty sum” states Cabrera. According to Chino Valley Unified there would be opportunities like these taking place as soon as this summer.