On Valentines Day, February 14th, 2024, Madame Web was released in theatres. This movie follows a girl named Cassie Webb who finds out she has a power that normally wasn’t there before. She goes down a timeline, connecting with these other girls who will somehow also end up having spider powers. After finding all of this out, in order to help the girls from getting killed by a man named Ezekiel, who saw the girls in a dream, she goes back to where her mother died which is also where she was born. He dreamt of those girls killing him, so in order to stay alive he plans to kill the girls before they get a chance to get their powers and kill him. Cassie discovers that her mother found a rare spider in the Amazons and was going to take it back to America to help her sick child that she was pregnant with, but Ezekiel wanted that power for himself so he killed her and took the spider, not knowing that the spider people in the Amazon rescued her and kept her stable until Cassie was born.
A lot of people hated this movie because it was not tied to anything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but that’s what they should have expected considering it was advertised as “In Association with Marvel,” and not actually part of the MCU. The one thing that matters is that it is comically correct, having Cassie be in an accident and become blind, while the girls grow together and discover their powers to help other people in need. It also does connect to most of the MCU because of the people that she’s connected to; Ben and his brother Richard, along with Richard’s wife Mary, don’t reveal the name of her unborn son. It also connects because of what Cassie says to Ben when he’s excited about being an uncle he says, “All the fun and no responsibilities,” her response to that being “That’s what he thinks” tying into the story of Peter Parker and his uncle being the one to raise him.
As long as it is comically accurate and everything happens accordingly, there should be no reason to label this movie as a bad movie or that it doesn’t deserve the same praise that Marvel movies get.