The march to Honolulu begins
The Don Antonio Lugo Marching Band has been invited to represent California during the Pearl Harbor Memorial Day Parade in Honolulu. Band teacher, Mr. Yanik, poses with the invitation presented by the parade committee. The band will be staying in Hawaii for a week as the parade will be hosted on December 7, 2017.
November 25, 2016
A huge amount of excitement and work awaits for the Don Antonio Lugo Marching Conquistadors as they plan to march in the Pearl Harbor Day Memorial Day Parade in Honolulu, Hawaii. A personal invitation from the parade committee was sent to band director, Mr. Yanik, stating that the Don Lugo marching band has be invited to represent California at the annual 75th Pearl Harbor Day Parade. The parade is held and put together by former military members to commemorate those who served on the historic date of December 7, 1941.
Each band member will need to raise approximately $1,500 for their fare and and other necessities, as they will be staying in Honolulu for a week. To make this trip a possibility the band will soon be hosting shows that they will charge people to attend as an attempt to fund raise for this once in a lifetime opportunity. There has even been talks of a possible Jog-a-thon for the band, it is very important to all of the band students and Lugo that each and every one of them gets to march in the parade.
The parade will take place next year on December 7. A huge “Mahalo” to the Don Lugo Marching Conquistadors for putting Lugo on the map. Mr. Yanik ensures, “We know it’s going to be a big honor- and a lot of work- so we’re going to have to do our best because we want to represent our school and state well.”
Rosie • May 3, 2017 at 7:53 AM
It is so nice to see our band being represented. It makes me really happy. =D