Don Lugo’s Valiant Veteran: Mr. Pope
Mr. Pope and his wife, Sylvia, met when he lent his car to a friend and saw her driving. He was promoted several times during his service; faster than most. As the current World and U.S History teacher, he gets to influence his students on a daily basis.
May 31, 2016
Memorial Day gives us, the American citizens, a chance to express our gratitude and to commemorate those who have served diligently and valiantly for our country. Many will spend the day barbecuing and spending time together, yet it is important to not forget these brave men and women who sacrificed everything for our freedom and show them our utmost gratitude.
Fortunately, Don Lugo has a Veteran on staff who is nothing but passionate about the importance of serving, as well as having pride in one’s country. Before becoming a coach and teacher, one of the current World and U.S. History teachers, Mr. Pope, has spent many years in service with the U.S. Marines. For the most part, each of Mr. Pope’s students are aware of his service and title, but not many know of his accomplishments as well as the background to his charismatic persona.
As a young man, he was always motivated during his time in service, and along with various entertaining stories, he also had many accomplishments. He enlisted in 1969 and within the same year, he was promoted to Private First Class- throughout his service he went to becoming Lance Corporal, Corporal, Sargent, Warrant Officer, 1st Lieutenant, then a Chief Warrant. Finally, he became a Captain on February 4 of 1989- in that same year, he retired and went on to becoming a teacher.
When asked about his influence for wanting to join the Marines, he replied, ” My coach, because he was my history teacher [as well]- and I’ve always enjoyed history- he was the one that brought history alive for me.” Mr. Pope believes it is beneficial for the students to learn history the way he was did- plus, he has lived through a part of it as well. His line of expertise provides the students with a drive for the subject as he tells of his experiences in Vietnam, both filled with comedy and heart-tugging experiences.
While he influences his students on a daily basis with his enthusiasm as well as pride for our country, he is also co-coordinator of the annual “We Remember” event, which allows students to meet with United States veterans and learn more about what it was like for them to serve; ensuring a new perspective on the measures these men and women have had to go through so that we may live with the freedom and comfort we get to have each day. As our history teacher, he brings to life the experiences he has had, and incorporates them to his lectures- giving us further insight into the history of the country in which we live. When asked to give an input about teaching, in comparison with his time during service, Mr. Pope expresses his enjoyment, as comedic as he is: ” I enjoy coming to work everyday. I’m a lot older and wiser now, I’m not quite as stupid as I was back then.”
Valeria Palmerin • Nov 1, 2016 at 10:14 AM
We are lucky to have a brave man like him teaching at don lugo
Juliana tolosa • Oct 28, 2016 at 9:56 AM
This is a great article Mr. pope is Americas hero.
Oscar Zendejas • Oct 28, 2016 at 9:05 AM
It is a privilege to have teacher who was part of the U.S. Marines to teach students about history. Hearing his stories changed my mind on how I see people who have fought for our country.
Thomas Ryan • Oct 28, 2016 at 8:41 AM
This was a really good article informing us about Mr.Pope and his service to our country.