Goodbye, Professor Snape


Alan Rickman as “Professsor Snape” in the popular series “Harry Potter.” Ricksman passed away the morning of January 14th. “I was extremely sad to hear that my favorite character in Harry Potter passed away.” says senior, Cheyenne Thomas.

Maria Almaguer, Reporter

One of the most-loved and admired British actor’s, Alan Rickman, died the morning of January 14 in London, England.

Being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer for only a few short months, Alan took his last breath surrounded by his loved ones. After 28 years of acting, he ended his career by voicing “Abselum” in the movie Alice Through the Looking Glass. The actor gained world recognition by playing the role of “Hans Gruber” in the movie Die Hard and is most known for being “Professor Severus Snape” in the series Harry Potter.

As many Don Lugo students are fans of this popular series, they mourn the death of the “Professor” by watching the movies that he stars in. Cheyenne Thomas, a Don Lugo Senior said, “I was shocked to hear Snape was dead and that the cause of his death was cancer.” His hard work and life were shown appreciation from his fans on social media the day of his death.