Lugo Welcomes New Puppies


Lugo introduced new puppies, such as Wardoff, to be trained as guide dogs. They will be seen on campus once they receive vaccination and proper training. “I love doing this knowing that these dogs will help someone in need,” said an anonymous sophomore.

Maria Almaguer, Reporter

On Saturday December 5, 2015 Don Lugo welcomed new puppies on campus to benefit the non-profit organization Guide Dogs for the Blind.

This organization has been featured on campus since last year but due to increased interest, three more dogs have been added. This increases the total of dogs to be raised to five. Dr. Cabrera created the idea last year and it certainly gained the support of staff and students. All students can join this helpful club but it has special guidelines.

This will benefit students by teaching them how to be responsible and independent. If students want to join, they must attend an organization meeting every Tuesday. Also, they have to pass various tests before the puppy can be handled by them. “This is a very good opportunity for any student to gain skills and be responsible,” says Miss Doyle.

Soon after the puppies finish proper training, they will be allowed in classrooms.