Horses gallop to Lugo


Many students are excited to be working hands on with the animals. “I’m excited to be working with the horses. I’m so happy the program went through,” said one happy Ag. student.

Maria Almaguer, News Reporter

Don Lugo’s FFA program successfully introduced a horsemanship class now offered on campus . This exciting addition to the agriculture academy is the achievement of Ms. Doyle, the program’s adviser.

Ms. Doyle has always had a dream to create a program dedicated to horsemanship ever since she became an agriculture teacher. The administration has been very supportive about this dream. This program is offered to all students that have an interest in horses, and even qualifies for P.E. credit.
Due to a budget situation the program was close to being shutdown. Luckily, head of transportation and maintenance, Martin Silvera, managed to find some loose money in the budget to let the program take place. Stalls and arena are under construction for the horses. The horses have been donated by local citizens and are currently on a food lease.
This puts Don Lugo as the 3rd school in California to have a horsemanship program. As for the fellow students this class is going to be provided for those who are interested for next year. “In very excited to see this program come to place and im very happy for the amount of attention the FFA academy has been getting”, said Miss Doyle.