Not my President

A perfect description of Donald Trumps political views. His racist, misogynistic, and bigot beliefs are tearing this country apart and hes not even president yet. R.I.P to these next 4 years.

A perfect description of Donald Trump’s political views. His racist, misogynistic, and bigot beliefs are tearing this country apart and he’s not even president yet. R.I.P to these next 4 years.

Jena Huante, Reporter

Donald Trump is our president elect and I feel nothing but fear and disappointment in what our country is to become. To start off, I dislike Trump with a passion. He began his campaign with his whole “build a wall” claim that caused racists to support the idea.

That’s all his supporters are. Racists. They cause hatred throughout the nation and ostracize anyone who is not white or male. Although many claim, “Not all Trump supporters are racist,” all racists support Trump. Coincidence? I think not.

He called Mexicans rapists and murders. As a Latina, his claim disgusts me. I grew up with Mexicans and they’re some of the most honest hard working people I have ever met. They want nothing more than to be American but some fear the process of becoming legal.

He proposed banning an entire religion from entering the US when it’s the first amendment right of Americans to have freedom of religion. He mocked a disabled reporter. He said John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he was captured. How disrespectful is that?

He bragged about committing sexual assault. He has been accused by 12 different women of committing sexual assault. When asked about the sexual assault accusations he stated that some of those women were too ugly to assault!

Imagine the disgust the women feel. For them to go through something as devastating as sexual assault and then being insulted and mocked about what had happened to them. I don’t understand how men with daughters, moms, grandmothers, sisters, and cousins could support a man who obviously has no respect for women.

He said that women deserve to be punished for having abortions. My tia had an abortion, because she needed it. It was either her or the baby so we had to make a choice. And he’s saying women deserve to be punished for having abortions.

It’s a woman’s right to her own body and it’s absolutely no one else’s business besides the woman. He’s incited violence at his rallies. HE CALLED GLOBAL WARMING A HOAX PERPETRATED BY THE CHINESE. How silly is that.

He scammed countless customers at his fake university. He has a trial for fraud coming up this November. How can a president be trialed for fraud or sexual assault? There should be rules against that.

I’m fine if you support him. I’m not trying to change anyone’s political views whatsoever, but I just feel that a man with no political background should be running in a political field.

As a woman, as a Latina, as a human being, I feel Donald Trump lacks morals and ethics and I don’t appreciate being attacked for disliking him. Donald Trump goes against everything this country is based upon. He does not want to make America great again, he wants to make it racist again.

I’m not going to apologize for standing up for what I believe in. I have no shame in calling him out for what he is; a misogynistic, bigot, racist, scam artist, degrading man. Donald Trump is not my president.