The Marching Conquistadors take first place
The Don Lugo Marching Band and their Color Guard took First Place at the annual Vista Murrieta Tournament of Gold. Their field show Case Closed is filled with lots of props, theatrics, and great music. The Don Lugo Marching Band is excited to display what they have to offer at their next competition.
October 23, 2016
The Don Lugo Marching Band took First Place in High Music, High General Effect, High Color guard, High Visual, and 2nd place in Percussion for their field show Case Closed this weekend at the annual Vista Murrieta Tournament of Gold. The Don Lugo Band Director Mr. Yanik commented on the band’s achievements. He said, “the whole band and I are more than just happy that we won the competition against the three other schools that we were competing against.”
Don Lugo won against Chaparral, Fallbrook and Serrano High School when competing in the annual tournament held at Vista Murrieta High School. The Don Lugo Marching Band now would like to remain undefeated for the next upcoming 5 confirmed tournaments that the band and color guard will be competing at this season. If the band continues to get high scores at the competitions then they will remain undefeated and advance themselves to finals. The bands next competition will be held at the Mission Viejo High School on October 22nd.
Yanik commented on the upcoming competition, “we have high hopes for our next competition that we will be participating in and we are also hoping that we win first place in High Music, High General Effect, High Color-guard, and High Visual again.” All the Don Lugo band instructor’s are proud that the band is kicking the season off with such a great start. However, the instructors don’t want the band to remain too comfortable so they will continue to push them hard until the band wins gold at Finals at the WBA Fresno State Super Show.
Mariah Marquez • Oct 28, 2016 at 8:58 PM
I love the marching band at Don Lugo and I hope they continue to be successful and get the respect they deserve as quality musicians and people.
Oscar Zendejas • Oct 28, 2016 at 8:49 AM
I’m ecstatic to see the band do this well so far into their season. I hope that the streak keeps on going just as the football team is doing so we can represent the school with all of these victories.
Oscar mejia • Oct 28, 2016 at 8:45 AM
Congrats on winning 1st place in high music, high General effect and high color guard.