Brianna Cabrera proves why she shouldn’t be labeled as just the principal’s daughter
Brianna Cabrera via Twitter:
Brianna Cabrera raises guide dogs for the blind and trains them. “My uncle, who is blind, has a guide dog and I told my mom I wanted to get involved in that,” she says. The guide dog program is at Don Lugo and motivates students to raise guide dogs.
October 6, 2016
Potential inhibits every student leading them to do amazing things. One particular student shows her outstanding effort by offering her service and passion to the school and community. The responsibilities that come with these contributions are overwhelming but amazingly, she is capable of doing it all even with excessive pressure; including the pressure of being the principal’s daughter.
Junior student Brianna Cabrera has been involved with school since her freshman year and has brought remarkable opportunities. She is president of the “Hearts and Heroes” club, a program she established herself, that groups together special education students with the general education kids. When asked about the inspiration of the club Brianna commented,”It’s something that I felt I needed to do and it seems like it’s making a difference.”
Not only has she helped out within the student body, but she is involved with training guide dogs for the blind, a program that has spread throughout Don Lugo. Brianna receives a puppy that is about eight weeks old, keeps them for about 14-16 months, and teaches them the basics such as sitting, standing, and socializing. In 2014, a visit from her uncle, who has a guide dog, helped her during a tragic time for the family and states the guide dog was “the perfect distraction,” inspiring her to raise guide dogs.
Dr. Kimberly Cabrera , principal and mother of Brianna, states that she is really proud of her and knows that she works very hard. But being in this position is difficult for Dr. Cabrera who says,”It’s not just her, and I think that is the hardest part about being the mom and the principal. I don’t like to brag about my daughter yet if it was another student on campus, I would be telling everybody about them.” Despite this, Cabrera says it warms her heart to know her daughter cares about others and the path she is taking.
As we all know, with great power comes great responsibility, and Brianna truly feels the pressure when it comes down to her own position. “It becomes stressful sometimes to manage all these things, but it pays off in the end,” she states. She also says being the daughter of the principal adds a lot more pressure on her to do well in academics, sports, and other activities, but it’s also good to have her mom around to be there for her.
Brianna will also be used as a highlight in a campaign for Yoplait. She will be included in a special video that will be posted on Facebook for parents and gives them a chance to share stories about their own kids. Dr. Cabrera says details on the video release will be posted next month.
cassie dove • Apr 14, 2019 at 8:26 AM
I’ve always have wanted to do something like that and now that I have heard your story it makes me want to do it even more. You are such a good person and is doing an amazing thing for your community.
Juliana tolosa • Oct 28, 2016 at 9:59 AM
She’s not just the principals daughter she’s a great girl who is a student just like everyone else who attends her moms school.
Oscar Zendejas • Oct 28, 2016 at 8:59 AM
I’m glad that we have someone like Brianna in our school, who is not only the principles daughter, but also someone who works with people everywhere around this campus