Goodbye Summer 16′
Don Lugo is officially ready to start up the 2016-2017 school year. Student, Britney Serrano comments, “I’m so excited for what Lugo has to offer this next year.” This image was taken by Don Lugo’s official account via Facebook.
August 15, 2016
The journey for all returning and new Don Lugo students began today, for the 2016-2017 school year. Most staff and students felt like their summer vacation was quick and short because of the changed dates for the first day of school made by the district. Last year, school started the 24th of August, making a week leap jump back.
Most students were filled with excitement walking through the halls this morning. Incoming freshman, Alexis Lozoya commented on her delight of comfort Lugo had to offer, “It feels like another fun, normal day at junior high school, just a bit larger.” This year Don Lugo is focusing more on making freshman feel welcomed and at ease.
Some students felt differently about returning to Lugo this year. Junior, Robert Sosa stated, “It’s nice to see your friends and to start the year but starting this early will be different.” Some returning Lugo students are having troubles adapting to starting school a week earlier than accustomed to.