Girls Engaging in Fat Talk


Girls constant focus on the unrealistic standards of society rather than reality. Engaging in self shaming thoughts can cause mental damage to some women. This effects not only themselves but the people around them.

Guadalupe Garcia, Editor

How often do you complain about your body or over hear others doing so?

Personally, I think that most girls complain about being “fat”. It is more common for girls to engage in this talk than boys. I do engage in this talk and I also over hear girls ranting and tweeting about it. I don’t think it is a healthy talk because girls only bring themselves down.

As girls, society plays a major part of our lives, because we compare ourselves too often. I don’t think girls should think that way, because they are just being negative. Successful style and beauty website, Refinery 29, admits,  “The “bikini body” concept has such a hold over women’s body image. . . because of that,  here at Refinery 29 we have made it central to our mission not to use that term at all.” Girls believe that they should all have the same figure as celebrities, but I think that as long as they feel comfortable nothing really matters.

Lindsey Gonzalez 15’ said “Engaging in a conversation like this is something I do on a daily basis”. This means that more than half of the conversations that conquistadorettes take part in involve the famous fat talk.  The only thing this type of conversation does, is make girls feel less than what they are really worth.

I don’t think that girls should have the need to feel negative about themselves, so they should try to stay out of these types of conversations. Talking bad about your self-image only makes things worse. As long as you are happy your size doesn’t matter, and if it does other you, then do something about it don’t just talk negatively.