No Bow Lesbo


No bow lesbo is a negative term softball players hear. This term is used to tease people as well. A former softball player expressed how she thinks “the term is stupid.”

Jessica Rubio, Managing Editor

The popular softball term “No bow lesbo” has given softball players a negative perception. Wearing a bow or not during a softball game should not determine someone’s sexual preference.
This fairly new term has been heard throughout softball fields across the nation, and many softball players have a lot to say about it. A former softball player stated, “I think the term is stupid. It doesn’t make sense to me.”
Many softball players often get teased because of the term as well. Forgetting to wear a bow to practice or a game can cause some players to get teased for a long time.

Miss. Ferreira, a health teacher from Don Lugo stated, “I know softball has a stigma, I don’t know why I think all sports should be equal when it comes to that.”
Miss.Ferreria also said “If you’re a great player and you conduct yourself in a sportsman like manner then that’s all that matters, I don’t know why people bring that in it wouldn’t even matter talent wise.”

Whether you wear a bow or not during a game, all that matters is how you handle yourself on and off the field. Many girls get their feelings hurt because of this negative phrase and it should not even matter. Bow or no bow, how you perform while playing the game is what counts the most.