Spring sports gets “green light” to start conditioning
Basketball laying still on lightly dimmed court. (Photo courtesy of Thomas Northcut)
December 9, 2020
With Fall season sports still in Phase 1 of conditioning student athletes who play in the Spring were doubtful of their upcoming season. So far for the past month and a half Fall season strictly sticks to the rules the school has provided which concludes of not being able to use any equipment, social distancing, wearing a mask and a list of other guild lines to follow during this time.
As of right now we know Falls’ pre-season has been put off. “Still phase 1. We vote today, all pre-season and tournaments canceled!”, Athletic Director Donaho stresses. “League only type bubble! Then CIF. Hopefully 1st game Tuesday Jan 19.” Specifically talking about volleyballs date of their first game, we still focus on the topic that all pre-season and tournaments for Fall has been in fact canceled.
Moving over into winter we start to see a shift in sports happen as the school year progresses. Spring sports slowly starts to approach their season as Fall has barely began theirs. Still dependent on many more meetings and votes to be taken place, Don Lugo athletes are staying hopeful for the best.
“We will have a meeting on January 8 at 3pm… We are hoping this will allow students to get cleared and allow us to monitor state orders”, says Coach Deleon. Knowing conditioning for basketball has been approved, this may only lead to more Spring sports becoming cleared to start conditioning as well.