Fall Sports’ Rules & Guidelines for Conditioning Practices
(Photo Courtesy of Daisy Ridley)
Photo of Don Lugo football field on cloudy day. (Photo Courtesy of Daisy Ridley)
November 4, 2020
As the school year moves with pace, and sports trailing after it, we’ve finally made some progress to the fall season. Don Lugo athletes stay anxious knowing Phase 1 strictly only consists of straight conditioning. Minimal equipment is to be used at this time, and if used, the equipment must be sanitized shortly after being utilized.
Along with everything else going on this year, there is an abundant amount of rules and guidelines needed to follow in order to move forward with athletics. You first have your set of generic directions that are taken across the board. Moving further you start to practice with the screening questions. If all goes well these next few weeks, athletes may start to begin real practice.
In order for students to proceed in practicing and playing their sport, they must complete AND pass the set of screening questions. All coaches and staff members of any sport-related activity advises you to stay home if you have any symptoms related to coronavirus.
So far only a few sports have begun Phase 1. These sports consist of football, boys/girls volleyball, and boys/girls water polo. In which all seem to be following protocol just fine, being no complaints made. Each of these practices must follow the protocol guidelines consisting of 11 different rules:
- Starting off the practice may have a max of 10 players.
- There are no locker rooms open for usage.
- Players, staff, and coaching must all stay 6ft apart at all times during practice.
- There shall be no contact between any individual, nor shall there be any shared equipment.
- If sent out in groups, they must contain between 5-10 players.
- No vulnerable individuals are allowed to perform.
- Face coverings are required before AND after practice.
- Athletes’ temperature is to be checked along with giving the screening questionnaire before starting the workout.
- All athletes must bring their own water and water bottles.
These rules and guidelines aren’t the only thing being emphasized for our student athletes. Grades are also a huge factor this year being that the majority is done online.
With these 9 guidelines in effect, Don Lugo should have no worry as far as health and safety is concerned. The only problem remains is how much the students are willing to adapt to the systematic change. If all goes as plan, athletes have a huge possibility of returning to normal practice conditions. But if one wrong move is made by any player ALL sports are canceled.