New Earth-like planets have been discovered broadening the possibility of humans in outer space

This past Tuesday, NASA announced a new discovery of a system of planets that are potentially habitable. The solar system that NASA discovered is called Trappist-1. There are at least 7 Earth-sized planets in the system, which is located approximately 40 light-years from Earth.
February 24, 2017
NASA has made a remarkable discovery that may bring humans a step closer to living on other planets! An entire system of Earth-sized planets was found just 40 light-years away from Earth. The announcement of this new planet system, named Trappist-1, was made by NASA just this Tuesday, February 21st.
With modern technology, it would still take hundreds of millions of years to reach the planet system of Trappist-1. However, the discovery is of great importance for future studies and discoveries as the possibility of Earth-like planets is no longer a stretch from reality. Advances in telescopic technology, such as ESO’s European Extremely Large Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope, will allow researchers to find solid evidence of water, and perhaps even life, on these planets.
Three of the planets found are in the habitable zone, meaning liquid water could exist in large amounts. Chances of life existing on these planets are higher if bodies of water are found. All seven planets orbit the star Trappist-1, which is significantly smaller than the sun, but still powerful enough to allow the existence of water.
Multiple members of the Don Lugo family have shown great interest in these new discoveries since some students plan in pursuing a career path in space exploration or aerospace engineering. Student Kaylin Kelder shares her perspective saying, “It is super exciting to see things like these being discovered because they are things I expected not to hear about in my lifetime.” Kelder continues saying “I hope in the future my grandchildren are part of the movement when more planets are found and we can travel to them.”