Sports medicine students visit Mt. Sac
ROP student Chris M. practicing how to stop the bleeding of a wound. The Lugo students later reviewed the proper steps of taking care of a laceration.
February 13, 2017
Eleven Don Lugo sports medicine ROP students attended a preview seminar at Mount San Antonio College (Mt. Sac) on Thursday, February 9. The students got to learn about the final step of receiving college credit towards a sports medicine program at Mt. Sac called Kines 19.
The students separated into three groups and were able to perform hands on training with the instructors. They reviewed first aid, practiced “tape jobs” for both the ankle and shoulder, and explained what the best strategy is for tackling the scenario portion of the test. Throughout each station the instructors gave advice on what they can improve on to be successful.
In order to be eligible to take the final test, the students have to complete Ms.Hansen’s year long sports medicine class along with passing a multiple choice test and a short answer test with a 70% or higher at Don Lugo. Students are scheduled to take the test in April.