President Donald Trump doesn’t understand the true meaning of Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood, an organization that provides services for millions. This organization “Cares. No matter what.” Image courtesy of public domain.
January 26, 2017
It has not even been a week into President Trumps term and he is already causing outrage amongst the country. Although President Trump reiterates time and time again that he wants to, quote, “Make America Great Again,” he will not be accomplishing this by following through with one of his first acts as President. Planned Parenthood is a non profit organization that not only provides multiple LIFE SAVING exams, but they also provide varying reproductive services.
By defunding Planned Parenthood, you are not only taking away the only source of medical services for those in low income situations, but you are stripping hundreds of thousands of men and women the only opportunity they have to live a long, successful life. If men and women are not afforded the opportunity to get the services that are CRITICAL to their health, then you are stripping them of the only affordable healthcare they can get their hands on. This is absolutely ridiculous.
According to Planned Parenthood, clinics are available in over 650 counties, 103 of these counties serving as the only means of healthcare for low income patients. Planned Parenthood provides services such as Cervical Cancer screenings, breast exams, prevention of pregnancy, and the prevention and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Without these exams, men and women all across the nation will be suffering.
Planned Parenthood not only provides varying preventatives to numerous diseases, but they also provide education and information on topics relating to sexual or reproductive services. Through Planned Parenthood, over half a million pregnancies have been prevented since the organization has opened their doors. If this statistic does not shed light on why Planned Parenthood should not be defunded, then I do not know what will.
If we defund Planned Parenthood then over 2 million people will not get the medical attention they so desperately need. This organization does not only serve women, but men as well. Do you want to be responsible for possibly disabling an organization that has proved to be helpful to millions of people, over a personal belief?
We need to set our personal beliefs aside for a moment and take a look at the bigger picture. By defunding Planned Parenthood you’re depriving millions of men and women the only opportunity of medical attention that they will receive. So dear Mr. President, I highly advise you to reconsider your actions.