Mall of America and their first black Santa

Even Apple’s emojis have the option to make the Santas POC. Twitter user Anthony Wiseman stated, “Good job, Mall of America! Santa has no race, because Santa is for everyone.” Photo courtesy of Hailey Scott.
December 14, 2016
Mall of America has their first black Santa, and of course, racists everywhere are throwing a tantrum. Larry Jefferson, a retired U.S. Army veteran, was ecstatic to take the job, despite the disagreement he knew was coming his way. “There needs to be more Santas of color, because this is America, and kids need to see a Santa that looks like them,” Jefferson stated, beautifully.
Most of the feedback was supportive, but now because this country is going down the drain, people are becoming more comfortable with spewing racist garbage. The editor of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune had to shut down their comment section from the extremely offensive hate. Santa isn’t even real, so why a paroxysm of useless anger? (because most of America is still acting like they are in the 18th century).
Peter Morgan, from CBS Minnesota has called for a boycott. “Stupid. Incredibly stupid. Santa is WHITE. BOYCOTT Mall of America. Maybe they should change their name to MALL of RAGHEAD LAND,” Morgan stated (calm down, Pete). I think to myself, ‘how can this upset people so much?’ and then I remember that the KKK is still a thing.
Chris Guy, some white dude from Facebook who thinks his opinion matters, says that it’s racist to make Santa black because he is a white character and claims he, “doesn’t really care”. Listen here, Chris, reverse racism isn’t real, and if you don’t care, why did you make that dumb comment?
Don’t even get me started on Hillda Cankles. Cankles writes, “Turd in a Santa suit…why can’t these people-shaped apes just stick to their make-up Kwanzaa ritual.” Okay, Hillda, go back to making your tuna casserole that everyone pretends to like but really don’t. Can’t the huge smiles plastered on children’s faces from seeing a black Santa bring light to your cold, dead heart?
With the many hate comments, there has been plenty of love towards Larry Jefferson. Twitter user, Kim Randolph kindly stated, “Good for Mall of America! Santa is for every child.” Santa is THE symbol of Christmas, and Christmas means love and spending time with family, not wallowing in the fact that their is a colored Santa.