Being born gay: it’s complicated

Students have different opinions on whether or not a person is born gay. “It could be different for everyone, depending on what life you’re brought into,” explained Victoria Ferguson. Photo courtesy of Google Images.
December 4, 2016
There is a lot of controversy on whether or not people are born gay. Frankly, there really is not a hard, carved in stone, answer. It’s a lot of educated guesses and studies.
In 1993, there was a study posted that showed that a family with two gay brothers were more likely to have certain gene on the X chromosome, known as Xq28. Of course, the media blew up about the possibility of a “gay gene”. Because people are homophobic and disgusting, talk spread about figuring out if said “gay gene” was in your family so you know not to have kids (loud sigh).
Back in the day, there were findings of a “alcoholism gene”, which makes people become alcoholics, and a “warrior gene”, that makes people aggressive. Yeah, that crap can run in your family, but genes don’t control all behavior. According to the Huffington Post, “Genes can regulate the production of amino acids, which form proteins. The existence or absence of a protein can have an effect.”
Environment plays a huge role in your behavior. “Your upbringing can influence what you desire and what you find repulsive,” says the Huffington Post, “What you have learned about homosexuality as you were growing up will affect whether you consider engaging in homosexual to be what you want, or what you don’t want.”
Personally, I think it’s different for everybody. My uncle is gay, and let me tell you, EVERYONE knew it when he was little, and so did he. Also, my cousin is gay, but he didn’t figure it out until he was 23.
There are people who say, “you can’t be born gay because your brain hasn’t been exposed to homosexuality at such a young age”. Well, if that were true, then how can people be born straight?
One of my good friends, who will remain anonymous, made the argument, “You can’t be born gay because right when you are born, you don’t make the decision, ‘Oh! I am gonna be gay!’ because you are too innocent.” Oh, but wait Mr. Anonymous, if babies can’t make the decision that they are gay, then how can they decide they are straight? Like you said, they are too innocent (Ha!).
Maybe you can be born gay, or maybe it is the environment you grew up in. Being “born gay” is the same as being “born straight”, it’s confusing. The whole thing is a huge mess and there isn’t a concrete answer. I think everyone is different and if people would just accept homosexuality, I bet this wouldn’t be as controversial as it is.
Micheal Everman • Dec 31, 2016 at 1:46 PM
You had great point throughout the article
Mau • Dec 8, 2016 at 12:33 PM
Is your conclusion that being gay can be both a choice AND a natural born characteristic?
Hailey Scott • Dec 13, 2016 at 8:31 PM
Sort of! Even scientists today aren’t all that sure. But I think it’s different. Maybe people are born gay, but just don’t realize it until they meet that someone. Does that make sense? Moral is, I am not sure. (: