The first rally to honor academic achievement
Photo Courtesy of Johnny Palavecino
Don Lugo had their first rally for academics on Friday. The rally that took place on Friday was to recognize all students who obtained outstanding grades and exceptional AP test scores. Those who got acknowledge for good academics were happy that there was rally for something other than sports.
November 22, 2016
Renaissance, with the help of the leadership classes, kicked off their first academic rally on Friday consisting of awards, games, performances, and Pixar fun! Several students were acknowledged for their outstanding academic achievements and a few of Lugo’s finest sports teams were recognized for winning their league’s championships as well. Alyssa Van Herwaarden and Isaiah Ruiz were MC’s for this rally and left the students thrilled and entertained.
Don Lugo has recognized students for their academic achievements in the past but this year they decided to make it extra special by dedicating a whole rally to them. These students were recognized for receiving excellent grades and passing AP exams with a score of 3 or higher. Each of these hard-working students earned awards that were handed to them by principal, Dr. Cabrera, and vice principal, Mr. Ashby.
During the rally, ten students from each class year who obtained marvelous grades throughout their high school career were called up to be recognized for their achievements. Of those students, junior recipient Trynity Lizzarago expressed in delight, “I’m glad academics are finally being acknowledged instead of just sports all the time.” She also wants to advise others that hard work really does pay off and persevering through the long nights of doing homework or studying is all worth it in the end.
Aside from the awards, the dance team and the hip-hop team gave exhilarating performances which in turn got the crowd prepared for some fun and games. Students participated in fun games resulting in some friendly competition between each class grade. Also with the Pixar themed rally, each class was assigned a movie: Freshmen as “Toy Story,” Sophomores as “Up,” Juniors as “Finding Nemo,” and Seniors as “Monsters Inc.”
There was also a few sporting teams and athletes who were honored at the rally were Boy’s water polo and football for their league championship titles. As for the solo athletes, senior Camille Cole was honored for her outstanding achievements in cross country and senior Anthony Miller was also recognized his win as SoCal Prep Athlete of the Week. The Don Lugo community couldn’t be more proud of these several athletes who work hard to reach for their highest potential.
The cast and crew the of the fall production, “The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon,” were also introduced for all their hard work they put into rehearsals. They announced in their whimsical costumes that the play was now showing and encouraged everyone to go and attend the show. The play is a fast-paced comedy with a twist on “disneyesque” fairy tales.
A reporter/photographer and an editor from the Quest News staff were also honored during the rally for winning at the J-Day student conference at Cal State Northridge. Hailey Scott, a commentary editor, won first place for a powerful Opinion piece she wrote on “Message to Our Future President.” Johnny Palavecino, Photographer and Sports reporter, received recognition for earning Honorable Mention for a remarkable photo he took.
Before wrapping up the rally, everyone participated in the “mannequin challenge,” a popular but fun craze that has been sweeping the nation. The challenge was recorded and posted on the Don Lugo ASB Twitter page for everyone to see and enjoy. The video portrays a “fight” between two students taking place in the center of the gym while other students had their phone out, recording and looking seemingly “shocked.”
As the first academic rally hosted by Renaissance, it had a favorable outcome. It is the first of many to come and it is hoped that Don Lugo continues to acknowledge exceptional students in other special ways. With the positive responses by the student body, Renaissance and Leadership did a marvelous job on this special rally!