Women are smart enough to use birth control, so why can’t we purchase it freely?

Above is the representation of a women stress of having to make a doctors appointment. Over the counter birth control is available in over 100 countries, so why not the United States? Image provided by Hailey Scott, made with Piktochart.
November 17, 2016
Should birth control pills be available as an over the counter prescription? I think so! Women are knowledgeable enough to decide for themselves which methods to use and how to use them.
1 in 5 women have actually stated that “the cost of the appointment prohibits them from having safe sex.” Interesting isn’t it? If only the birth control pill would be an over the counter prescription then we could actually be preventing unsafe sex.
By allowing birth control pills to be an over the counter prescription we not only are promoting safe sex, we are allowing girls to have the freedom to decide things for themselves and helping the women who can not afford to make a doctor’s appointment in order to get the prescription filled. It is only logical that we have birth control be an over the counter prescription because if boys can buy condoms why can girls not buy birth control?
Contradictory to the popular belief, birth control has many positive benefits. These benefits include: reducing pain and heavy bleeding associated with periods, preventing acne and anemia, and reducing risks of certain cancers. What really shuts down the negative comments about birth control being an over the counter prescription is the fact that you can not overdose on the pill.
Doctor Melendez states “most doctors actually want the pill to be an over the counter pill.” They want it to be over the counter not only for its positive benefits, but because it will be easier for women to get who can not afford to go make an appointment with their doctor. So actual doctors want the pill to be an over the counter prescription?
So what is stopping people from passing the law to make birth control an over the counter prescription? I can not think of one negative effect of it being passed. Wait, I’ve got one! Women would actually be able to make their own decisions.
See how ridiculous it sounds when it’s spelled out for you? The fact of the matter is, is that we’re are still kinda stuck in the last century. I mean c’mon, we’re in the twenty-first century, women should be allowed to make their own decisions.