Reverse racism doesn’t exist!
Racism is prejudice plus power. Power, like influence and authority. White people can’t experience racism, because they have more power than any other race. Meme created by Hailey Scott.
November 16, 2016
Uneducated white people all over the world have this theory that any other race can be racists towards them. This is not correct. Philip Lewis, writer for Business Insider, says, “Racism, rather, is best known as a system in which a racial majority is able to enforce its power and privilege over another race..”
Only a majority race can be racist. A minority race can’t be racist towards a majority, because they are, well, a minority. Sorry, felt the need to clarify since so many people just don’t get it. Manisha Krishnan, writer for, states, “…as far as history goes, white people have never been persecuted for the color of their skin-so there’s no point in comparing their experiences to those of black, brown, and Indigenous folks.”
I, a white woman, do not believe that reverse racism exists, because of white supremacy. White supremacy is the belief that white people are superior to all other races, and should dominate society. Just because this is a REAL THING and REAL PEOPLE believe this, shows that no other race can be racists towards white people.
Brock Turner, a white male, was arrested for sexual assault on an unconscious woman. The prosecutor argued that he should have 6 years, Judge ruled 6 months, and Turner got out in 3. You know damn well that if a person of color sexually assaulted an unconscious woman, they’d have to do 6 years.
Anthony Morgan, a civil and human rights lawyer, stated, “When you’re so deeply invested in your privilege, and in this case white privilege, racial equality feels like oppression.”
If all people of color said they hated white people, that wouldn’t affect a white person’s ability to go to school, or get a job. It wouldn’t have an affect them and their life at all, because there are more white people than people of color. If it were the other way around, which it always is, that person of color would have a very hard time getting a job or an education.
Of course, there are white people who genuinely think that other races can show racism towards them, which is wrong. If a person of color says they hate white people, that’s called prejudice, which is different then racism; since racism is when a majority race enforces their power on another race, and prejudice is when you give an opinion that’s not based on reason. Irene Sarumi talks more about the differences in her article, but you get the gist.
Reverse racism doesn’t exist, because white people will never experience oppression and racism in the same light as people of color.
Jonathan • Sep 25, 2017 at 4:20 PM
Silly argument based on the flawed premise that only white people have ever been dominent in a global perspective.
What about places in Asia and Africa where the have been none whites in power ?