4 controversial Halloween costumes that will shock you

Hailey Scott, Commentary Editor

It’s now October, the month dedicated to being offensive and getting away with it. Of course, Halloween is here! That means dressing up to make a statement, whether it’s funny, scary, or just plain messed up.

A lot of stuff has happened in the year of 2016 so far, and of course, people like to make fun of it. This year we’ve had #BlackLivesMatter and police shootings, the Election of 2016, evil clowns, and Kim Kardashian getting robbed. Of course, the people of the world can’t go one year without making some offensive jokes about events that occurred.

1.No Lives Matter


Because of the increase in police shootings from 2015 to 2016, people have decided to make the whole #BlackLivesMatter into something a little more sinister. In the spirit of Halloween, the creators of #NoLivesMatter chose the famous, cinematic killer, Jason as their mascot. Since, you know, he killed people.

2.Election of 2016

Protesters wearing masks of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump march with a group of cannabis advocates down Broad Street toward the Wells Fargo Center on the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S., July 28, 2016. REUTERS/Dominick Reuter - RTSK5M7

In light of the dark times this Election has brought, these amazing people have been parading around in Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump masks to make fun of the HORRIFIC dilemma this country is in. If I’m honest, America needs this.The idea of making fun of the stupidity in the world, like someone who genuinely supports Trump, is something I can stand by. Thanks, America!

3.How ‘Bout Some Clowns?


The Great Clown Scare of 2016 started in August, located in the west part of the United States. By October, these sightings of “Killer Clowns” spread all over the country. What a terrifying sight.

I’ve seen these videos, and man are they vicious. People are being chased, beaten up, and threatened. Schools went on lock down because of this dilemma and some clowns have been arrested. I don’t know who’s joke this is, but if I’m seeing some of these clowns, cops will be called.

4.Kim K Was Robbed


On October 2 of this year, good o’l Kim Kardashian was in Paris for Fashion Week when she was held at gunpoint and robbed. She was obviously fine, however her crisis made the newspaper and was seen as a huge deal ( big whoop).  A couple weeks later, Costumeish released this costume and claimed it has absolutely nothing to do with the Kim K robbery.

Yeah that’s total bull. The only thing that’s funny about this, is Costumeish has done this before! The company has created and sold the ‘Sexy Ebola Costume’ and the ‘Lion Killer Dentist Costume’. Classy!

These are only a few of the many offensive, Halloween costumes of 2016. If you want to be overly obnoxious and completely insensitive, then these costumes are for you! Sidenote: If you actually wear this and someone wants to punch you, let them. You did this to yourself.