Voting for trash or trash
Video Courtesy of The Other 98%

I think the photo speaks for itself.
September 26, 2016
tNo one knows how the Presidential Election of 2016 will turn out with these candidates. Instead of a hit or miss, it’s more of a miss or miss. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are probably the two most dumbest people to be running for president.
According to Thomas Sowell of National Review, “Hillary Clinton, As Secretary of State, carried out foreign policy decisions that led to major set backs for American interests as far as the eye can see.” Most people want her to be president because she is a woman. Yeah, that’s cool and all, but can she run a country? (The answer is probably not.)
Yes, drama ensued with classified emails being sent from her personal sever. Yes, those emails weren’t classified at the time. It’s the fact she even sent classified emails in the first place. How can we trust her to be president if she is willing to send something that can be considered national secret?
People argue saying that Hillary would make a great president. Brendan Quinn from Blue Nation Review wrote, “She was named one of the 100 most powerful lawyers in America by the National Law Journal in 1988 AND 1991,worked on Presidential campaigns of Barry Goldwater (1964), George McGovern (1972), and Jimmy Carter (1976)”
That’s all fine and dandy, but if she did so good back then, what changed? I want to see the person that Brendan Quinn is writing about. So far, all I see, is an untrustworthy woman who backtracks and lies.
Donald Trump is a mistake. A huge, orange mistake. He is so used to doing what he pleases and calling the shots. I bet he hasn’t given a second look to what his advisers have said, and as president, you know he will be making certain, drastic decisions simply out of spite and because someone told him not to.
Trump is a person who cares only about himself and America, which is good if you’re a businessman but bad if you’re president. Goliath writers stated, “Donald Trump has shown that he has no interest in the wider world and what goes on beyond America’s borders… From brokering peace in the Middle East to providing aid during humanitarian crises and asserting military power where needed, being president requires an understanding of foreign relations, politics and diplomacy”. Trump is way too #keepingitreal to show any sort of diplomacy.
Today’s Info posted a list of “13 Reasons Why Donald Trump Will Make the Best President Ever.” Sorry, the title literally made me laugh out loud. They stated, “Yes, he has a tendency to speak without thinking and he’s embarrassed himself on more than a couple of occasions.” Okay, not a good way to start off your article, buddy. The writer continues, “Plus, we all thought this was just a publicity stunt. However, what we may not realize is that Trump may bring some needed change to the country.” He will most definitely bring change, but it won’t be good.
Basically, this election most likely won’t turn out great. Our Democratic and Republican choices are horrendous. So horrendous, that some people aren’t even going to vote! At this point, voters may as well just toss a coin to make their decision. All I can say is, I hope America survives this monstrosity.
Noah Negrete • Oct 28, 2016 at 6:24 PM
Both candidates have some pros and some cons, but overall I believe this is the worst election in U.S history
Micheal Everman • Oct 19, 2016 at 8:42 AM
This country is doomed, if I could vote Id just write in Ken Bone
Natalie West • Sep 28, 2016 at 8:07 AM
This story was funny! So awesome, I loved it, I want to see another feature story that goes more into depth about both of the candidates.
Yvette H. West • Sep 27, 2016 at 1:25 PM
Good insight!
America must survive this election!