Lugo Wins 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in “Water is Life” Competition

Inland Empire Utilities Agency
The Inland Empire held the annual water is life contest this March. Don lugo was the only school that placed at all for the 9-12th competition. This contest is made to open the eyes of those not efficiently using water.
May 13, 2016
The annual “Water is Life” competition was held recently and Lugo brought home the gold placing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
The Water is Life competition is held annually to raise awareness for efficient water use. Grades K-12th can participate and Lugo’s biology department has taken the reigns and led the charge for our students to get involved in the competition. According to the Inland Empire Utilities Agency, “Schools within the service area of the Inland Empire are invited to create an art poster depicting various water uses, ways to use water more efficiently, or water conservation topics.” The deadline for entries was Thursday, March 3, 2016 by 5 p.m.
Lugo placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the grades 9-12 competition. In an interview with Rose of Sharon Brown, she spoke about what her 1st place submission depicted. “I drew a girl in the middle with symmetric wings around her and within the wings there was water, animals, creatures, and plants that you can save by conserving water,” says Rose of Sharon. “It all revolved around saving animals with water conservation.” Lugo’s second and third place winners, Jason Pacio taking 2nd and Yamileth Solorio taking 3rd, also helped Lugo reign supreme in the “Water is Life” competition.