Transgender Restrooms Can’t Flush Controversy
Target’s Corporate Office has commented on their stance of supporting inclusive culture. While Target faces over 700,000 signatures from customers pledging to boycott the company if they don’t change their stance, Target stands by their philosophy calling it “simple” and that, “Everyone deserves to feel like they belong. And you’ll always be accepted, respected, and welcomed here.”
May 5, 2016
Transgender restrooms are now becoming commonplace in parts of the United States and that includes our city of Chino right here in California. Large corporations like Target, what I consider to be a family store, has adopted the transgender initiative, stating that they,”…stand for equality and equity, and strive to make our guests and team members feel accepted, respected, and welcomed in our stores and workplaces every day.” With the controversy that surrounds transgender bathrooms growing, I’ll admit that it has deterred me from using public restrooms, and my concern over the safety of women and children is increasing at a rapid rate.
Not every state has adopted the inclusivity on transgender rights. ABC News reported that in Oxford, Alabama it is now llegal for transgender citizens to choose their restroom. “Any transgender people who break the new law inside that city’s Target store or elsewhere in Oxford, could receive a $500 fine or six months in jail”, says reporter Heather Holeman. It seems that Target is the talk of the town when it comes to the transgender restrooms, and I feel that this will hurt Target in major ways, and that’s not a good thing.
In a USA Today article, a conservative Christian activist group has almost 700,000 signatures on a petition as of April 28 that they plan to submit to Target pledging that they will boycott Target over its transgender bathroom policy because it “encourages sexual predators and puts woman and young girls in danger.”
Target will face an absolute onslaught of controversy. I agree with the petitioners. If a man and women can use the same restroom, what good can come from that? Target is gift wrapping an opportunity for a man to follow a woman into a restroom and commit unlawful acts. A horrendous handful of crimes that can be prevented if people could agree to just keep the status quo and stick to using their gender appropriate restrooms.
Even in my home town of Chino I am feeling the effects of the transgender restroom movement. In my case, my local Target off of Philadelphia Ave. offers a transgender option for their restrooms. If I was to simply walk to Guest Services and tell them I identify as a women, they may grant me access to the women’s restroom! I say “may” because not all states have a specific law that is clear enough for the public. In North Carolina, Target requires transgender individuals to use public restrooms associated with the sex on their birth certificate. So, when I go shopping, I not only have to remember my wallet and cell phone, I have to also remember to bring my birth certificate with me in case I need to use the restroom? Is there a restroom police at Target now? I don’t get it, and I think the idea of that is outrageous! What is stopping anyone, and by anyone I mean the pedophiles, registered sex offenders, and creepers from doing that? There are no guidelines put in place to stop either sex from walking into which ever restroom they choose so long as they have the right documentation!
Look, I get that the transgender community feels the inequality in this controversial issue, but I’m going to hang on to the ol’ “safety first” motto and stand by the idea that women and children need to remain safe. While companies like Target are setting themselves up to become liable to some heinous crime and feel compelled to join hands and sing Kumbaya with the transgender community, I’ll be waiting for that petition to hit my local store, so I can be concerned customer number 700,001.