Students Hang With UC Irvine Anteaters
Lugo students were able to learn about the college experience when they toured UCI this week. The extensive tour allowed for our conquistadors to see what life is like as an anteater. Photo courtesy of Ms. Yu.
April 8, 2016
Members of Don Lugo’s AVID and AP English classes went on a school-funded field trip to UC Irvine on Thursday, April 7. The students were able to tour the campus and experience campus life.
Sophomores, juniors, and seniors were invited to spend all day at the UC campus along with teacher chaperones Ms. Yu and Mr. Polite. A UCI student was their guide and gave them an in-depth tour of the university. He explained the history of the campus and how the anteater became their mascot.
The tour guide discussed the ranking of UCI’s most prestigious programs, including their highly-rated psychology and medicine courses. They have a unique program where business and teaching credentials are officially granted to students after completing their four years. According to Ms. Yu, “law school will be a new addition to the university next year.”
Along with a quirky and unusual mascot, the universities academic uniqueness also includes a few odd campus aspects. There is an illusive person simply known as “Swagman,” who saunters around campus. They also have a campus duck, named Harold, that students can feed.
“It was really cool,” said senior Cheyenne Herrera. “Our tour guide was really energized and talked about campus life … and how everyone’s like a family.” AVID students seemed to have enjoyed the trip.