Has Sadies Lost its Relevance?

Photography credit: Brizhane Sam
The tradition of a girl asking a boy to Sadies has been taking place over the past couple of weeks. Students are worried that they will not be able to attend the dance with their special someone due to lack of ticket sales. Senior Hannah Becerra states, “If we would have been more clear with the prices, I think more tickets would have been sold.”
March 5, 2016
This year’s Sadies, themed “LugoChella,”, was sadly cancelled due to lack of ticket sales.
Chino and Chino Hills High School also cancelled their Sadies for the same reason. Is there a trend in the reasons why students are not purchasing tickets for Sadies? Has Sadies lost its relevance?
Chino High along with Chino Hills High School’s activities directors said that their ASB advertised on their daily bulletin, announcements, and posters, but students still didn’t show interest. Chino Hills activities director said, “We started advertising about three to four weeks prior to the date of the dance.” Don Lugo’s activities director, Ms. Rigo-Witt, believes one of the issues is that students think they have a lot of time to buy their tickets, so they wait until the last minute to buy them when they aren’t there anymore.
Last year, Chino Hills High School had their Sadies offsite at Knott’s Berry Farm. Chino Hills activities director stated,”We were going to go offsite again this year and go to K1 Speed Zone. I think some of the kids weren’t interested in the venue and the tickets were too expensive.” Chino High was also going to have their Sadies offsite, but the complaints from students were that the tickets were too expensive as well.
All three high schools’ activities directors believe that another issue students had with buying Sadies tickets was the fact that prom was nearly a month away. Don Lugo senior Kaira Williams says, “I really wanted to go to Sadies, but prom is around the corner, and I didn’t want to add onto the expenses I already have.” With Sadies being so close to prom, some students had to choose between the two.
Sadies has had a decline over the past couple of years. Its is going downhill and and looses popularity each year. It is more likely to have Sadies taken out, than having students actually want to attend the dance.