Holograms Get Real

Holograms are becoming more real than ever thanks to the Haptoclone. In the photo above, a ball is placed in one end of the device and a real, touchable clone of it is displayed in the other. The possibilities for technology are seemingly limitless with the introduction of touchable holograms.
January 20, 2016
The University of Tokyo’s Department of Complexity Science and Engineering have just accomplished the first step into touchable holograms. At the moment the device consist of two main boxes that displays a hologram of whatever is in the other box, then using ultrasound arrays the box allows people to feel the hologram. The device has been named Hatoclone and is the first revolutionary invention in its field.
At the moment, the ultrasound arrays are way too strong in order to be safe to fully grab anything, however at the current state, we can graze and touch the holograms with ease. “The [level] of ultrasound we’re currently using is very safe, but if it’s too strong, ultrasound can damage the insides of the human body such as the nerves and other tissues,” explained Hiroyuki Shinoda, one of the lead techs that worked on the Hatoclone. Given this information, It will be awhile before we start arm wresting people in other countries at the comfort of our homes
The possibilities of this machine are endless, imagine being able to chat with a friend miles away and being to hug them goodbye or being able to shake someone’s hand countries away from you. With time and hope there is no telling what the Haptoclone is capable of doing.