Lugo Says Nope to Dope

The 2015 theme for Red Ribbon Week was respect. Students showed how much they respect their bodies by pledging to a drug-free lifestyle.
November 2, 2015
The week of October 26th kicked off Don Lugo’s 2015 Red Ribbon Week. This annual week-long event is held at schools across the nation to raise alcohol, tobacco, and drug prevention awareness.
Campus was decorated with signs and posters advocating the avoidance of substance use, with slogans like “Say nope to dope” and “Don’t be coy! Drugs destroy!” At lunch, students had the opportunity to sign a pledge to be drug free. Those who did were given pencils, stickers, and even T-shirts.
Conquistadors also showed their Red Ribbon Week spirit by dressing according to the daily theme. Amongst these were crazy socks, red attire, and Halloween costumes.
Leadership’s plan of spreading the campaign’s message and eliciting participation with the use of posters, theme of the day, and pledges was rather effective. “The posters really promoted drug [prevention] awareness,” said Clarissa Carlos, a member of the 2016 class. “The different outfits throughout the week helped students become involved and aware of Red Ribbon Week.”
Don Lugo plans to hold Red Ribbon Week events in the 2016-2017 school year.