Lenovo at it Again
Lenovo has been caught for the third time for pre-installing spyare. “We messed up badly” quoted by Peter Hortensius, Lenovo’s chief technology officer. Lenovo has yet to say what their solution is for this problem.
October 6, 2015
Lenovo, one of the top laptop manufactures in China, Russia, Japan, and Germany, has been caught for the third time pre-installing spyware onto refurbished laptops.
Earlier in the year, Lenovo was cited for installing “Superfish”, which would track user data then proceed to send it back to the company without the user’s knowledge. The program would then install advertisements into the user’s internet browser according to the collected data. They were then banned from selling or producing anything for the U.S government.
Later on they were caught a second time for installing rootkits which acted like “Superfish” but was greatly harder to get rid of. Full wipes couldn’t delete any of the programs, and were reinstalled automatically upon rebooting. They then began to remove it with the future updates after it was discovered.
Now Lenovo has re-issued the spyware disguised as “Lenovo Customer Feedback Program 64”. They claim the program’s purpose is to only collect data on the laptop’s specs, but upon further inspection one of the files is created by Omniture, an online web marketing company. Lenovo has proven for the third time that there’s a high price for purchasing a refurbished laptop.