College Fair’s visit to Don Lugo
Students and parents attending our 2022 college fair
October 13, 2022
Monday, October 10th, Don Lugo High School held the annual College Fair to help seniors with their college applications and decisions. Now why should you go to some boring college event when you do not plan on attending college, or you have not thought that far?
The answer to that question is that the fair is here to help you find out where you fit in or at the very least give you options for your future whether it be trade school, community college, or a traditional four year college. “You as a student shouldn’t have to have everything figured out by the time you graduate, but it is still good to have options going forwards in your life,” said a Mount Sac representative. As you walk through this busy and extremely crowded event you will come to realize that most of these colleges just want to show you what their school is all about. “The whole point of the college fair is to find the place that fits you the best, fits your goals and is truly a place that you can be you,” said a representative from Cal Baptist University.
As you leave you can see all the other students just like you walking away with handfuls of fliers and trinkets that they grabbed from all the college booths that they visited. Be aware seniors and those that are ready to start thinking about education at the highest level, college events like this are few and far between.