Get yearbooks before it’s too late!
This is the front cover of this years yearbook. The front shows some of the editors that are in the yearbook class.
January 27, 2020
Hey Conquistadores! There are only 50 yearbooks left. Don’t miss out on cherished memories forever. Yearbooks are for student to look back at later on in life.
They allow you to reminisce on your years as a conquistador. If students are considering buying a yearbook this year please hurry. Yearbooks sell out every year and the year is starting to come to a close.

Only 50 yearbooks left! Please hurry, yearbooks are selling out quick.
The theme of the yearbooks this year is social media. Social platforms such as Instagram and Twitter are featured in the yearbook as they are used by separate the classes. There are also pages in the yearbook for the students that have paid for their own page.
The yearbook also holds pages that show pictures of all sports and activities throughout the year. An anonymous editor in the yearbook class stated, “Yearbooks are a special piece of memorabilia that everyone should have”.