Now Offering ASL Saturday School

Photo Courtesy of Patricia Redaelly

Patricia Redaelly, Reporter

If you’re in an ASL class and need some extra credit Mrs. Cienik is now offering the perfect solution. Come to ASL Saturday School! Next Saturday in the Library’s computer lab, September 14, is the first day of American Sign Language Saturday School.

When you arrive you will sign in and take a seat at one of the open monitors. You’ll be given the opportunity to study, ask Mrs. Cienik questions and work on any assignments you may have been assigned or missed. If you did poorly on a test and would like to retake it you will be able to do that too, along with taking a test or quiz you may have missed.

It will start at 8 am and end at 12, for students in ASL you will receive 5 extra credit points for attending along with the removal of a detention. The only way you’ll get the extra credit or loss of your detention is by signing out, make sure you don’t forget. “ASL Club will start next week” – Mrs. Cienik. So head to their club if you have any questions!