10 ways to get into the Christmas Spirit!
December 21, 2018
Are you feeling like a Grinch this Christmas? Here are 10 ways to help you get into the Christmas Spirit!
1.Give Back to Your Community!
Ways to give back include donating to a toy drive, adopting a child in need, participating in Soldiers’ Angels, and Operation Ward 57. Soldiers’ Angels is a non-profit organization where people can visit and adopt a military family that is in need during the holidays. The same goes for Operation Ward 57, except that it allows you to adopt wounded warriors and help them during the holidays as well. What is a better gift than the gift of giving?
2. Wrap Christmas presents!
Wrapping Christmas presents is one of my personal favorites. Actually, I think having a wrapped gift is much more fun than having the gift in a bag. Unwrapping a gift allows there to be anticipation as you wait to see what you got.

3. Dress up!
Dressing up for the holidays is so much fun! One way to dress up is to wear an ugly Christmas sweater. In addition, many schools have a Christmas Spirit Week. So, participate and get ready for Christmas!
4. Watch Christmas movies!
Christmas movies are a great way to get ready for the holidays. Some great movies include Home Alone, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (live-action), Elf, The Polar Express, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Santa Clause franchise, and many more!
5. Have a Christmas party!
Get together with some friends and have a party, a. k. a. Friendsmas. There are tons of activities to do at a Christmas party such as White Elephant, a Secret Santa, or Gifts Left or Right Story.
6. Listen to Christmas music!
Listening to Christmas music always ensures a jolly good time. There are many Christmas genres to listen to such as jazz, classic, pop, and orchestras.
7. Decorate your house!
Decorating the house for Christmas is absolutely amazing. Waking up every morning and seeing all of the lights, stockings on the fireplace, and looking at the Christmas tree with all of the beautiful ornaments- a sure way to get in the Christmas spirit.

8. Go Sightseeing!
There are plenty of Christmas events around Southern California! Entire parks, shopping centers, and neighborhoods are decorated with lights. Some good holiday spectacles include festivals, parades, tree-lighting ceremonies, and celebrations such as the Mission Inn’s Festival of Lights.
9.Making and Sending Holiday Cards!
Making a holiday card is a lot of fun. Taking family pictures together and then choosing out which ones are perfect is great. Then going on to a website and looking through different collages and until you finally find the right one. Who wouldn’t want to make one?
10. Make/ Eat Christmas Foods!
Christmas foods are absolutely delicious! There are many foods such as tamales, peppermint cookies, and eggnog. What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than having something to eat?
Getting into the Christmas spirit is a lot easier then it may seem. Following these ten steps could leave you jolly and excited for the holidays. Have a fun Christmas!