A theatrical series of events
November 8, 2018
You know the saying ‘you’ll never know unless you try’? Well Theater has brought this saying to life with their Theater games during lunch. These games allow students to become familiar with the idea that the unpredicted can happen during a show. They are, essentially, games where students will get a better grasp on their improv skills outside of a classroom and in front of a live audience.
In the past there was a Comedy Sportz team with Mr. Conacher as the advisor. Mr. Conacher asked if students in Advanced Drama were interested in joining the Comedy Sportz team. A few students joined and the new team went straight to work.
Then, Mrs. Deming volunteered to chaperone four students to Game Con, a Comedy Sportz convention, where they all went to different workshops and each learned something different to help players understand how to properly act in an improv game, as a way to help out the newcomers to the team. The results of this outing would change the course of the Drama Department drastically.

When Mrs. Deming and the four students returned to class, the students showed their fellow classmates the games and tips that they had learned. The Comedy Sportz team continued to have their practices after school while the Advanced Drama class played the games in class. However, due to an unfortunate circumstance, the team began to die out resulting in the end of the Comedy Sportz team.
But this isn’t all bad news. This year, Mrs. Deming came up with the idea of having Comedy Sportz and Theatre Games, in a way, collide with each other. So, after having discussed it with Mr. Conacher, and having agreed with it, the theatre class will begin hosting Theatre Games. The class is going to have multiple lunch time activities in the quad starting November 26, the Monday after Thanksgiving Break.
During each activity, a student will be hosting for the time being and will explain the games that have been prepared for that day. Mr. Conacher will be taking on the role of the Referee, which is who makes sure that the players are following the rules of the game and keep the acting appropriate.

Advanced Drama will have two more lunch time activities for the games (dates to be determined) to have some exposure for theatre and help students see what is done in the theatre classes. Soon, the theatre games will be hosted in the Blackbox, Room 122. This will then lead to Theatre Games being a show. There will plenty of audience participation so you definitely want to keep an eye out for this new segment of the Drama Department.
Karly Ortiz • Nov 9, 2018 at 12:53 PM
I can’t wait to participate in these games, keep up the good work!