College isn’t the only way to have a successful life

College is a great way to become successful, but it’s not the only way.
May 25, 2017
Today’s society has imprinted in young adults’ minds that college equals success and if they don’t go to college, they will not be happy. This mindset itself is just plain dumb. College isn’t for everyone.
Robert Reich, from Huffington Post, says “They feel compelled to go to college because they’ve been told over and over that a college degree is necessary.” I agree with this quote completely, teachers and parents are pressuring their kids to get into college even though they would rather be doing something else such as, making money, or following their dreams as an artist. They are pressured so much that if they fail or drop out, they see themselves as failures in life.
Sienna Beard, from Cheat Sheet, commented, “In addition to specific jobs within a field requiring a degree to move forward, many specific careers also require a specific degree.” I understand that if you want to be a doctor, a lawyer or a have a job you need a certain type a skill set, you need schooling for those but those aren’t the only ways to be successful in life. Even if you get a degree there is no guarantee that you will have a well-paying job anyways.
A college degree doesn’t mean you have mastered that subject. Students learn the subject and retain the information long enough to pass the test and then it goes out the door. Rasaq Okoya, a billionaire who did not receive a degree, said, “Education gives people false confidence, it makes people relax, trusting in the power of their certificates rather than in working hard.”
I am not trying to belittle the importance of college. College is can come with many necessary experiences, but it’s not the only way to become successful. You should do what you feel is right for your future.
Erich Mueller • May 12, 2019 at 1:04 PM
Allot of people who got to be super rich dropped out of college.
Erich Mueller • May 12, 2019 at 1:03 PM
If your rich then there’s no need for college besides money can buy happiness.