Lugo’s latest club on campus sparks excitement: The LEO Club

March 10, 2017
The LEO Club has started for Don Lugo students who would like to sign up and participate in it. Sargent Brisino, who is in charge of the club with plenty of students, is currently looking for more students to join so that the school will have the most members out of other CVUSD schools.
The Club is composed of Don Lugo students who have leadership qualities. The Leadership Experience Opportunity Club gives the opportunity to Don Lugo students to be active volunteers by helping out in their communities and school.
The club started after the schools principal, Dr. Cabrera, attended a conference in Beachwood regarding the LEO club. After the meeting, the staff at the Beachwood conference asked Don Lugo Principal, Dr. Cabrera, if she would be willing to have the club on Lugo’s campus. Dr. Cabrera stated, “I am honored to have a LEO Club on our school campus.”