Yondr phone cases save concert entertainment
A start up company is trying to get rid of the distraction of phones at concerts. Performer Alicia Keys is one of the few to make it mandatory to enter her shows. For most students, getting your phone taken away is like having your baby stolen from you.
November 11, 2016
A startup company named Yondr, by Graham Dugoni, started being used in popular venues to get people to put down their phones. Yondr is a small pouch that phones are put in and the pouch can only be opened by a device at the entrance of the venue. A small group of performers have started using Yondr in their venues, including Alicia Keys and Dave Chappelle.
“What it symbolizes is a movement, and the bag is just the tool,” Dugoni said. For some schools, including Mercy High in Burlingame, California, it has become a mandatory at the front door. Many other schools may follow their example to attempt the same.
For Lugo students, their phones are like their babies, they just cannot go without looking at their phone due to their social lives being in the phone. Users of Yondr are allowed to carry the pouch with them, and if they need to use it, they can walk out past the locking device at the entrance of the venue and check their phone. For many users at first, it felt like their phones were being stolen, yet users have become comfortable with the pouch at certain venues as they find new enjoyment in the shows they attend without recording every moment.