Come to Don Lugo’s future freshman night

David Fender, Editor-in-Chief

Future freshman night will start today at 5:30 PM in our newly painted gym. Students of Don Lugo are encouraged to attend in order to promote the programs that they are a part of. Tonight is a great opportunity to show what Don Lugo is all about and advertise the programs that mean so much to us as students. “Future freshman night was about going to all the different booths and seeing what sports and activities I wanted to sign up for” stated Shane Biggs who is currently a sophomore and multisport athlete.

This year Don Lugo will be offering tours and many booths for future Conquistadores to visit. From football to to L.E.A.D, be prepared to sign up for anything that may interest you. Future freshman night is an experience that everyone should attend. “It’s all about seeing people and looking around for things to sign up for, I checked out everything and I went on a tour,” said Steven Marker, a former attendee of future freshman night. 

If you’re coming into the 9th grade or just looking to help out, setup for all clubs will begin at 4:30 and future freshmen will start showing up around 5:00 pm.