"Keeping Lugo Connected"

Coronavirus breaking news updates

BREAKING NEWS: College Board plans to move forward with AP tests with help of online review sessions
BREAKING NEWS: Governor Newsom orders citizens to stay home effective midnight
BREAKING NEWS: Trump warns Americans to do their part to slow the spread of coronavirus
BREAKING NEWS: Annual baseball game at Angels Stadium cancelled
BREAKING NEWS: Chino Hills Starbucks resorts to grab-and-go policy
BREAKING NEWS: The White House advises against events of more than 10 people
BREAKING NEWS: CDC issues new guidelines as San Bernardino gets first case of COVID-19
BREAKING NEWS: 5-0 vote by school board gives CVUSD superintendent state of emergency resolution power
BREAKING NEWS: Field trips and activities cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns
BREAKING NEWS: Disneyland temporarily shuts down in response to new policy from Govenor Newsom
BREAKING NEWS: Superintendent Norm Enfield releases statement on Coronavirus plan

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