Coronavirus breaking news updates

BREAKING NEWS: College Board plans to move forward with AP tests with help of online review sessions
As COVID-19 continues to lead to closures of schools and businesses, one group of students in particular has been left questioning what to do next: AP students. Finally, the College Board has provided some information on their plan and how they’re handling the situation. The College Board has several measures being implemented to ensure that testing will still take place, including online review. ...

BREAKING NEWS: Governor Newsom orders citizens to stay home effective midnight
A new step for fighting COVID-19 in California, Governor Gavin Newsom has made an order for all California residents to stay home unless absolutely necessary. Although the order is not mandatory, Newsom hopes, "There’s a social contract here. People will self-regulate their behavior." Newsom estimates that at the worst, half of the California population could become infected in the next 8 weeks. ...

BREAKING NEWS: Trump warns Americans to do their part to slow the spread of coronavirus
As the president addressed the American people in a press conference this morning, the Whitehouse has issued "The President's Coronavirus Guidelines For America." The guidelines suggest that those who work in a critical infrastructure industry, such as healthcare services, pharmaceutical and food supply, that those workers have a special responsibility to maintain normal work schedules and that emplo...

BREAKING NEWS: Annual baseball game at Angels Stadium cancelled
During the epidemic of the ongoing coronavirus, the much anticipated annual baseball game at Angels stadium in Anaheim has been cancelled for the Don Lugo baseball team. The game was scheduled for March 22 of this year which had people very excited. Players had begun fundraising and advertising the game prior to schools and sports being shut down. The team started playing at Angels stadium for on...

BREAKING NEWS: Chino Hills Starbucks resorts to grab-and-go policy
Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreaks and recommendations to limit social contact in large populated areas, Starbucks in Chino Hills (Grand and Pipeline) has resorted to a new grab-and-go policy. The policy has been put in place by the business in response to the recent recommendation to limit gatherings to no more than 10 people. For many Chino residents, this is the first experience with busine...

BREAKING NEWS: The White House advises against events of more than 10 people
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Trump Administration has advised all Americans to avoid events of more than ten people to hinder the spread of the outbreak. This follows California Governor Newsom's policy of events with more than 250 people, then 50, and the number is now as low as ten.This new guidance includes restaurants, movie theaters, and other venues, and is essentially asking all...

BREAKING NEWS: CDC issues new guidelines as San Bernardino gets first case of COVID-19
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has made a new recommendation on their website that events with more than 50 people should be cancelled or postponed for the next 8 weeks. The announcement was made on the CDC's website on March 15, 2020, where they explain that it does not apply to places of business, schools, or places for higher education. This has led to the creation of several ...

BREAKING NEWS: 5-0 vote by school board gives CVUSD superintendent state of emergency resolution power
The vote for the state of emergency resolution motion to allow Superintendent Norm Enfield, Ed.D to take any and all necessary actions to prepare and respond effectively to the novel coronavirus was a unanimous 5-0 vote among board members. The approval came at 4:17 pm and will allow Dr. Enfield to close schools and/or the district if necessary, enter into contracts without obtaining public bids o...

BREAKING NEWS: Field trips and activities cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns
CVUSD students are feeling the first effects of decisions to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Superintendent Norm Enfield has just issued a statement to the community notifying that he has ordered for the cancellation and postponing of field trips, student-sponsored events, and many extracurricular activities. CVUSD staff members and district personnel are now communicating with students and parents...

BREAKING NEWS: Disneyland temporarily shuts down in response to new policy from Govenor Newsom
California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a new policy Thursday afternoon prohibiting mass gatherings of 250+ people to help combat the spread of the Coronavirus. In that same announcement, he stated the closure of amusement parks such as; Universal Studios Hollywood, California Adventure Park, Disneyland Resort, and Los Angeles Zoo. The Walt Disney Co. announced the temporary shutdown of Disneyland...

BREAKING NEWS: Superintendent Norm Enfield releases statement on Coronavirus plan
Chino Valley Unified Superintendent Norm Enfield released a letter to the CVUSD family on March 9 detailing how schools will tackle worries about COVID-19, otherwise known as Coronavirus. Staff took part in meetings to ensure understanding of the plan. Luckily, the CVUSD has spent months preparing detailed precautions and let parents know what will happen if Coronavirus is detected in San Bernardino. Enfield's...
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