New Best Buy policy; CD’s will no longer be sold in stores

Best Buy announces that as of July 1st they will no longer be selling CD's in stores. Best Buy has already informed its music suppliers that they will not have any CD's in stock in the stores. The new era of streaming music from phones has removed CD's from their place.

Photo by Press Release

Best Buy announces that as of July 1st they will no longer be selling CD’s in stores. Best Buy has already informed its music suppliers that they will not have any CD’s in stock in the stores. The new era of streaming music from phones has removed CD’s from their place.

Joel Chavez, Tech Reporter

Best Buy announces to consumers the end of the CD era. Best Buy announced on February 1st that as of July 1st they will no longer be selling CDs in stores. A new era of streaming music from smartphones has pushed CD’s aside and no longer in use.

According to Ed Christman from Billboard quoted,”Best Buy has already informed its music suppliers that their services will no longer be required coming July. The decision to drop CDs follows an 18.5 percent decline in music CD sales in 2017. Best Buy specifically thought music CDs now only generate $40 million per year.”

The rise of streaming music services such as Apple Music, Spotify, and Pandora, as well as the availability of digitally downloadable tracks and albums, are making the CD extinct. Many companies that manufacture CD players like Sony, Panasonic, and Yamaha, are starting not to produce a lot of CD players due to low income. According to Best Buy vinyl will continue to be sold, but that’s only guaranteed for the next two years due to a commitment made to vendors.

With the rise of streaming media services, eventually even releasing physical copies of new music, movies, and TV shows. Don Lugo student Orlando Robles’18 quotes,”When I was a little boy I used to love hearing music from my dad’s CD player but now that technology has advanced I like to listen to my own music through Spotify in my phone.” Best Buy’s products of CD’s, DVD’s, and Blu-ray DVD’s won’t disappear in their market for their consumers, but will only be an online purchase to consumers.

Target is trying a different tactic; instead of getting rid of CDs completely, it wants music and movies to be sold on a consignment basis. Which means that Target would only pay for an individual CD or DVD once it is scanned and sold to a customer. It seems unlikely Target’s demand will be rejected as ultimately that could push it to follow Best Buy and stop selling music CDs altogether, and possibly DVDs, too.

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