Lugo Drama is back at it again

Mariah Marquez, A&E Editor

The next big move for the drama department is putting A Christmas Scarol together just in time for Christmas. It has only been a few weeks since the drama department presented The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon and now the same group of actors are “striking while the iron is hot” with another hilarious play by Don Zolidis. Almost immediately after the final night of The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon, Lugo Drama was in preparation for A Christmas Scarol after passionate students and actors Dante Reynolds and Nolan Fernandes begged and pleaded the drama director Mrs. Deming for another play.

Typically the Lugo Drama Department only puts together one play a year and it’s for a good reason…, so as intimidating as the task may be the fearless drama department is ready to take on the big project. A Christmas Scarol is a satirical play about a man named Tim who can’t think of a Christmas gift to get his demanding and difficult girlfriend, so he is visited by five “petrifying” spirits who carry him away on chaotically organized journey into the past, present, future, and an alternate timeline.

With such limited time for rehearsal there is much speculation on how the play is going to turn out. Lugo drama already had a successful show this year and many think they shouldn’t “push their luck” with another one, but from all accounts this play is going to be another win for Lugo Drama. The play is to hit the stage December 14th for one night only.