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Netflix content may now be viewed offline. Lugo students displayed positive feelings to the announcement. Only mobile devices using the latest version of the app may use the more convenient feature.
Don Lugo binge watchers celebrate as Netflix now allows users to view content offline! The mega company confirmed year long rumors of allowing offline playback which means internet connection will no longer be a problem for millions. As of right now, most shows and movies may be saved for offline viewing on mobile devices using the latest version of the app.
Whether on a long trip or simply bad connection, all Netflix movies and shows will still be available as you may download content for offline watching. Lugo student Kaylin Kelder comments to this matter saying, “I waste a lot of my [cellular] data on Netflix because I am always traveling to basketball tournaments. This new change is so convenient and even helps me save money.”
With over 86 million users, Netflix is the biggest platform of its kind and the first to offer the offline option. It is likely that other companies will depend on the results that come from Netflix offering content offline to decide whether to implement the change as well. As for Lugo, the announcement comes with a lot of excitement and a positive outlook.