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The exclusively mobile-accessible app, bought by Twitter for $30 million dollars just four years ago, is at the end of its run.
Twitter revealed on Medium’s blog post this past Thursday that Vine will be shutting down within the upcoming months, leaving Don Lugo students in a state of awe. As some will miss posting and sharing moments of laughter, drama, and creativity within the 6-second shorts Twitter assures, “You’ll be able to access and download your Vines, we’ll be keeping the website online because we think it’s important to still be able to watch all the incredible Vines that have been made. You will be notified before we make any changes to the app or website”
Twitter, Vine’s co-brander, was worth $31 billion in stocks when they first started off and is now at $17 billion- almost half of what it was. They are planning to let go of around 350 employees. Twitter has also told its investors, “The restructuring allows us to continue to fully fund our highest priorities, while eliminating investment in non-core areas and driving greater efficiency.”
Since the announcement this past week, Viners have taken opportunity of the remaining time and are posting videos of their farewells. Does that mean “goodbye” for all? No, not really. Vine stars like Lele Pons, Thomas Sanders, Jerome Jarre, Gabbie Hanna, Cameron Dallas, Rudy Mancuso, and KingBach, have decided to use the fame they’ve built up from Vine and are taking it to the next level onto other media-sharing platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and Youbtube. Senior class member Jae Bucknor stated,” I am going to miss all the laughs Vine gave me.”