Paola Espinosa
The University of Hawaii visits the Don Lugo campus. A representative from the university spoke in the schools Career Center. Many of the students attending the presentation were current seniors looking into higher education once they leave high school.
On October 5th Don Lugo welcomed the University of Hawaii to give a presentation in the career center. The presentation was for Don Lugo students of any grade level who were interested in attending the school in the future or just wanted to learn more about the university. Many of the students who attended the presentation were eager to learn more about the school, the programs and the majors that the school offers.
The speaker informed the students that the university offers more than 100 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral majors, they also mentioned how they are a Division 1 school for sports, and although the school is located in Hawaii, they make sure their students have many opportunities to gain internships that are out of state so that they can have “real-life” experiences inside and outside of the island. To be accepted in the University of Hawaii applicants must have at least a 2.8 GPA, a 510 per section on the SAT and or a 22 on the ACT. Students with a 3.5 gpa and 1200 on the SAT or higher are eligible for an automatic 2,000 dollar scholarship.
The University of Hawaii at Mānoa is located in Honolulu, O’ahu, HI and is a public co-educational research university. The average tuition to attend the school 28,833 for residents and 50,865 for non-residents, but for students who are legal residents in the west coast i.e. AK, AZ, CA,CO are qualified for the Western Undergraduate exchange program, a program for first undergraduate seeking students, these students will only pay 34,269. The school has students from 126 countries and regions, and 57% of the students are female making the campus very diverse.
To apply to the university the students must go to applyhawaii.edu, the application cost $70 but they do accept fee waivers. For students applying for the Fall, the priority deadline ends January 5th, 2017 and the Final deadline ends March 1, 2017 , for the students applying for the Spring the priority deadline ends September 1, 2017 and the Final deadline ends October 1st, 2017. Current seniors have already began their college applications, so the Career Center at Don Lugo has invited many other universities to come speak to the students during these next few weeks, that way the current seniors have an opportunity to hear about all the different schools that they can possibly attend.